79 research outputs found

    Generalized Results on Monoids as Memory

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    We show that some results from the theory of group automata and monoid automata still hold for more general classes of monoids and models. Extending previous work for finite automata over commutative groups, we demonstrate a context-free language that can not be recognized by any rational monoid automaton over a finitely generated permutable monoid. We show that the class of languages recognized by rational monoid automata over finitely generated completely simple or completely 0-simple permutable monoids is a semi-linear full trio. Furthermore, we investigate valence pushdown automata, and prove that they are only as powerful as (finite) valence automata. We observe that certain results proven for monoid automata can be easily lifted to the case of context-free valence grammars.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2017, arXiv:1708.0622

    Strongly transitive automata and the Cerny conjecture

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    The synchronization problem is investigated for a new class of deterministic automata called strongly transitive. An extension to unambiguous automata is also considered

    On Bounded Linear Codes and the Commutative Equivalence

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    The problem of the commutative equivalence of semigroups generated by semi-linear languages is studied. In particular conditions ensuring that the Kleene closure of a bounded semi-linear code is commutatively equivalent to a regular language are investigated

    Well quasi-orders and context-free grammars

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    Let G be a context-free grammar and let L be the language of all the words derived from any variable of G. We prove the following generalization of Higman's theorem: any division order on L is a well quasi-order on L. We also give applications of this result to some quasi-orders associated with unitary grammars. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    On the Commutative Equivalence of Algebraic Formal Series and Languages

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    The problem of the commutative equivalence of context-free and regular languages is studied. Conditions ensuring that a context-free language of exponential growth is commutatively equivalent with a regular language are investigated

    On Finite-Index Indexed Grammars and Their Restrictions

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    The family, L(INDLIN), of languages generated by linear indexed grammars has been studied in the literature. It is known that the Parikh image of every language in L(INDLIN) is semi-linear. However, there are bounded semi-linear languages that are not in L(INDLIN). Here, we look at larger families of (restricted) indexed languages and study their combinatorial and decidability properties, and their relationships

    Relationships Between Bounded Languages, Counter Machines, Finite-Index Grammars, Ambiguity, and Commutative Equivalence

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    It is shown that for every language family that is a trio containing only semilinear languages, all bounded languages in it can be accepted by one-way deterministic reversal-bounded multicounter machines (DCM). This implies that for every semilinear trio (where these properties are effective), it is possible to decide containment, equivalence, and disjointness concerning its bounded languages. A condition is also provided for when the bounded languages in a semilinear trio coincide exactly with those accepted by DCM machines, and it is used to show that many grammar systems of finite index — such as finite-index matrix grammars (Mfin) and finite-index ET0L (ET0Lfin) — have identical bounded languages as DCM. Then connections between ambiguity, counting regularity, and commutative regularity are made, as many machines and grammars that are unambiguous can only generate/accept counting regular or com- mutatively regular languages. Thus, such a system that can generate/accept a non-counting regular or non-commutatively regular language implies the existence of inherently ambiguous languages over that system. In addition, it is shown that every language generated by an unambiguous Mfin has a rational char- acteristic series in commutative variables, and is counting regular. This result plus the connections are used to demonstrate that the grammar systems Mfin and ET0Lfin can generate inherently ambiguous languages (over their grammars), as do several machine models. It is also shown that all bounded languages generated by these two grammar systems (those in any semilinear trio) can be generated unambiguously within the systems. Finally, conditions on Mfin and ET0Lfin languages implying commutative regularity are obtained. In particular, it is shown that every finite-index ED0L language is commutatively regular
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